Centerway Steel's 2024 “International Image and Foreign Manners” Training Successfully ConcludedWithout etiquette, a man cannot be born; without etiquette, a matter cannot be accomplished; without etiquette, a country is not at peace--Xunzi's “Cultivating one's moral character”.On December 7, Centerway Steel conducted a training session on “International Image and Foreign Etiquette”, and invited Ms. Cui Ying, an international image and etiquette consultant, to give a foreign etiquette training.At the training session, Ms. Cui, through wonderful speech and sharing, comprehensively used various teaching methods such as theoretical explanation, group discussion, case study and role-playing, etc., and gave a detailed explanation to everyone from the principles of foreign etiquette, flag etiquette, international business image etiquette, globalization and international visiting etiquette, customs and taboos of different countries, and standardization of international business reception in the following six major aspects.Principles of foreign etiquetteThe principles of foreign etiquette should be followed: do not be humble, do as the Romans do, respect for privacy, ladies first. Foreign etiquette includes the etiquette of Chinese people going abroad and interacting with foreigners, and the etiquette of foreigners coming to China and us interacting with them. Both kinds of etiquette should follow each other.Flag EtiquetteThe three principles of international |