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Olympic Flame Ukraine
Aleksandr sann.ks.uaSponsor
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Hello! I functioned mainly in advertisements, sales and human resources, starting from a promoter at a store and ending with an assistant manager. When you have the thought that the rest of your life you must get up at 7 in the morning 5 days per week to get someone else's bidding, you can come to be not just a normal entrepreneur, however, a big businessman. My experience working for an online company gave me the chance to offer quality Internet marketing services in my.Today I can get a complete night's sleep and also walk into the fresh air when I feel like this. Frankly speaking, my view of the planet has changed, and thus compared to individuals, to that which I do, to other kinds of business has shifted. It has become easy to communicate with any individuals, it has become much easier than before to generate income. The environment has changed much - most of the people with whom I was used to conveying have gone into the''background''. I seldom have to see these people, and they have been replaced by those who think in similar categories, those who have achieved success - like me or 100 times more. When you communicate or become buddies with seasoned teachers, you slowly become more powerful and more experienced yourself, which can be reflected in the outcomes of work and gains.My name is Anton Melnikov, I'm 34 years old, I'm a personal entrepreneur. I graduated from a normal magician, private, paid.
View ProfileKherson, Ukraine
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True journalism that connects Ukraine. News you can trust.
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