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Olympic Flame Ukraine
ITIS Icon is more than just a brand, it is an understanding of the entire furniture market in UkraineOnline store Itis was created as a result of many years of experience in the furniture industry, symbiosis of knowledge, as well as the skills of each employee of our company. Established in 2011, today our company can rightly call itself one of the most successful furniture Internet projects of Ukraine.You can also see other my sites here: task is to help buy, not sell. We value your feelings from the buying process, we want to realize your expectations of acquisitions. Perhaps a similar principle has become a guarantee that every fourth of our customers returns for re-purchasing.We have changed the standard approach to furniture sales and proudly showcase the work done on our site:Great emphasis on visual perception. You will be able to see full-fledged images in maximum quality, allowing you to view every detail.Many original images that will help you to form a general idea of ??the product and its properties.Made a simple interface that is understandable to the perception of the intuitive level. It will allow you to easily deal with variational materials, additional properties and related products.Let us help you make the right choiceOur goal is to improve the quality of the furniture industry at all stages. It means both the stage of production (increasing t
View ProfileHmelnickiy, Ukraine
MehaVelure Icon
Podrobnee o moej kompanii chitajte Kazhdaya dama idet k mysli i mechtaet o mehovoj odezhde!Uchityvaya vse vysheskazannoe, eto neobychajno ekstravagantnyj predmet, ne bez somneniya, isklyuchitelno teplyj, no v to zhe vremya povyshayushij status, povyshayushij uverennost v sebe, privodyashij lyudej v dvizhenie i revnivyj k amortizatoram. Chto eto za mehovaya odezhda ?! Dlinnye ili korotkie, sinie ili temnye, s kapyushonom ili stoyachim vyrezom ... i t. D., I eti zaprosy vechny.Dorogie zhenshiny, vy nashli idealnoe mesto! Zdes vy mozhete vybrat lyuboj predmet iz shkury, bud to mehovaya odezhda, izgotovlennaya iz norki, lisicy, lisicy, sobolya ili kunicy. V nashem shou-rume kolichestvo predmetov i modelej shkur menyaetsya!Vy budete gotovy predvaritelno vybrat i podumat o lyuboj modeli na nashem veb-sajte, analogichno tomu, kak prisoedinitsya k primerke v Kieve po adresu, ili oformit dostavku puteshestvennikom Novoj Pochtoj bez predoplat, imeya ranee takoj masshtab i kazhduyu nyuansy s nashimi menedzherami.Vy mozhete sovmestno zakazat lyuboe palto dlya individualnogo rukodeliya s lyubymi potrebnostyami. Nashi rashody mogut vas priyatno udivit, tak kak u nas est tendenciya ne presledovat yarkie vyveski s bolshimi biletami, stoyashie komnaty v centre goroda i etiketki s bolshimi biletami. u nas est sklonnost rabotat na lyudej, i oni blagodarny za eto severoamerikanskoj strane!Nasha kompaniya sotrudnichaet isklyuchitelno s proverennymi i ogromnym
View ProfileKiev, Ukraine