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Olympic Flame Vietnam
Find TalentSponsor
Find Talent Icon is a Professional Recruitment Agency in Vietnam. We are a qualified service offering total recruitment solutions from non-management to executive management level.With management board who have over 15-years experience in the field of online business and 10 years in recruitment service, commits to deliver powerful career and employment services to job candidates and employers.
02836369628 | View ProfileHCM City., Thành ph? H? Chí Minh Vietnam
Tim Viec NhanhSponsor
Tim Viec Nhanh Icon
Tim Viec Lam Nhanh Tu 200000 Nha Tuyen Dung Uy Tin Chat Luong Tai Ha Noi Ho Chi Minh Binh Duong Dong Nai Hang Chuc Ngan Viec Lam Tu 60 Nganh Nghe
(08) 7309 8888 | View ProfileHo Chi Minh, Vietnam
Viec tot nhatSponsor
viec tot nhat Icon
Tim Kiem Viec Lam Nhanh Tai Viec Tot Nhat - Hon 100000+ Tin Tuyen Dung Viec Lam Chat Luong Duoc Cap Nhat Tu Nhung Nha Tuyen Dung Hang Dau
View ProfileHo Chi Minh, Vietnam
nhanlucsieuviet Icon
Hoat dong trong linh vuc tuyen dung, Sieu Viet hieu ro tam quan trong cua con nguoi doi voi to chuc. Cong ty luon uu tien va chu trong tuyen dung, dao tao va phat trien doi ngu nhan su tre. La mot thanh vien cua Nguon Nhan Luc Sieu Viet, chi can ban co du nhiet huyet va the hien duoc nang luc trong cong viec, chung toi se luon san sang danh cho ban co hoi thang tien cung nhung dai ngo hap dantruy cap website:
2871076666 | View ProfileHo Chi Minh, AK Vietnam
XKLDNAMHAI HR la ten cua phong tuyen dung lao dong Nhat Ban thuoc Cong ty xuat khau lao dong BATIMEX.Hien cong ty chung toi dang hoat dong trong linh vuc xuat khau lao dong Nhat Ban tai mien Bac Viet Nam
0965038384 | View ProfileHa Noi, Vietnam
Long An Labour Temporary ServiceSponsor
Long An Labour Temporary Service Icon
Labour temporary service for lease
+84963214487 | View ProfileBình Duong, Bình Duong Vietnam
jobsgo Icon
Startup tuy?n d?ng hàng d?u Vi?t Nam
0899.565.868 | View ProfileHà N?i, Hà N?i Vietnam
Hr and payrollSponsor
Hr and payroll Icon
Originating from the Human Resources Services unit of PricewaterhouseCoopers Vietnam, Talentnet is now acknowledged as the leading Hr and payroll services provider in the country, with nearly 20 years of experience in the local labour market. With the mission “Make a difference in the lives of every employee”, Talentnet is passionate about contributing to a better working life for Vietnamese employees through professional HR solutions designed to meet the diverse needs of Vietnamese and international clients.
02862914188 | View ProfileHo chi minh, District 1, HCMC Vietnam
Talentnet CorporationSponsor
payrollcompanies Icon
Originating from the Human Resources Services unit of PricewaterhouseCoopers Vietnam, Talentnet is now acknowledged as the leading Payroll companies in the country
02862914188 | View ProfileHo chi minh, Vietnam
Nguy?n Kh?i TâmSponsor
Nguy?n Kh?i Tâm Icon
W88MAGIC.COM thu?ng xuyên c?p nh?t, cung c?p các du?ng link m?i nh?t, an toàn nh?t vào nhà cái W88.
5825294793 | View ProfileBac Giang, Vietnam
hrconsultant Icon
HR Outsourcing is one of Talentnet's primary services with large database of over 60,000 candidates from varied business segments. Our service has been used by more than 150 multi-national & local companies across industries.
02862914188 | View ProfileHCMC, Vietnam
payrollemployeeselfservice Icon
Originating from the Human Resources Services unit of PricewaterhouseCoopers Vietnam, Talentnet is now acknowledged as the leading of payroll employee self-service in the country. With the mission “Make a difference in the lives of every employee”, Talentnet is passionate about contributing to a better working life for Vietnamese employees through professional HR solutions designed to meet the diverse needs of Vietnamese and international clients.
02862914188 | View ProfileHCMC, Vietnam
payrollservicesolutions Icon
Payroll service solutions are key services of Talentnet, supporting clients building a flexible and efficient operation systems by providing a total solution package for payroll using international standards from ADP Streamline, coupled with extensive local knowledge and fully automated system.
02862914188 | View ProfileHCMC, Vietnam
congtyheadhuntertuyendung Icon
Ti?n thân là D?ch v? nhân s? c?a PricewaterhouseCoopers Vi?t Nam, Talentnet Vi?t Nam (Công ty K?t N?i Nhân Tài) hi?n du?c xem là công ty headhunter tuy?n d?ng hàng d?u, v?i d?i ngu tu v?n hon 20 nam kinh nghi?m ho?t d?ng trong các linh v?c v? qu?n tr? ngu?n nhân l?c. Talentnet hi?n cung c?p các gi?i pháp qu?n tr? nhân s? toàn di?n, chuyên nghi?p và thi?t th?c phù h?p v?i nhu c?u c?a các doanh nghi?p v?i mong mu?n t?ng bu?c hi?n th?c hóa t?m nhìn “T?o s? khác bi?t cho cu?c s?ng c?a m?i ngu?i lao d?ng”.
02862914188 | View ProfileHCMC, Vietnam
outsourcingpayroll Icon
Originating from the Human Resources Services unit of PricewaterhouseCoopers Vietnam, Talentnet is now acknowledged as outsourcing payroll leader in the countryWith the mission “Make a difference in the lives of every employee”, Talentnet is passionate about contributing to a better working life for Vietnamese employees through professional HR solutions designed to meet the diverse needs of Vietnamese and international clients.
02862914188 | View ProfileHCMC, HCMC Vietnam
toppayrollcompanies Icon
Originating from the Human Resources Services unit of PricewaterhouseCoopers Vietnam, Talentnet is now acknowledged as the leading Hr agency in the country, with nearly 20 years of experience in the local labour market. With the mission “Make a difference in the lives of every employee”, Talentnet is passionate about contributing to a better working life for Vietnamese employees through professional HR solutions designed to meet the diverse needs of Vietnamese and international clients.
02862914188 | View ProfileHCMC, HCMC Vietnam
WC Net WorthSponsor
WC Net Worth Icon
View ProfileHue, Hue Vietnam
Moi Truong XanhSponsor
Moi Truong Xanh Icon
'' Ve sinh môi truong tai thanh pho và các khu dan cu luon la van de quan tam cua tat ca chung ta, mot moi truong sach mang toi thoai mai trong cuoc song và suc khoe moi nha. Moi Truong XanhDia Chi: Nam Tu Liem, Hanoi, VietnamSo dien thoai: 0932220000website:[email protected]: #thongtaccong #naovethoha #hutbephotDia ch?: Nam Tu Liem, Hanoi, Vietnam
0932220000 | View ProfileHa Noi, Nam T? Liêm Vietnam
Ha Gia Phat la cong ty co phan chuyen ve phat trien nguon nhan luc cung cap cac dich vu da dang nhu cho thue lao dong tuyen dung cung ung lao dong gia cong thau khoan va hop thuc hoa lao dong
0913186456 | View ProfileBiên Hòa, Ð?ng Nai Vietnam
Viecoi Icon la website tim viec lam va tuyen dung uy tin voi hon 40 linh vuc tren toan quoc nhu Ho Chi Minh city, Ha Noi, Da Nang,..
(028) 3820 0510 | View ProfileHo Chi Minh City, Vietnam
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